

There are some people who think biking and cycling carry the same meaning. This would make some people upest with that because for some people they have difffernt meanings and references. For instance, "biking" could mean riding on motorcycle since saying or referencing "bike" usually means a motorcycle. I personally think it depends on how you use "biking" when you say it. Here's an example of a referencce to a bicycle ride, "i'm going for a bike ride." Here's an example of a motorcycle reference, I'm heading out for a ride."


For me cycling is different from biking. Cycling is more of a race or an event with other cyclists. A few examples of this would be cyclocross or Tour de France. Cyclocross can be a race on an off-road track that is made with obstacles in the track or in an open long distance race on dirt roads or un-paved roads. A few obstacles in a cyclocross track race can be stairs you run up and down on as your carrying your bike, little walls you have to hop over while on or off your bike, riding or running up steep hills or ride through sand.